Monday, February 17, 2020

Evolution of Policing through the 20th century Research Paper

Evolution of Policing through the 20th century - Research Paper Example This paper will discuss the various changes that have occurred in the policing process. The paper will also discuss the intelligence based policing that has been adopted and which has transformed the policing process. The intelligence based policing makes use of information gathered and analyzed in an attempt to reduce crime. The paper will also suggest an effective policing strategy. The process of policing and law enforcement has evolved over time to the present state where the law enforcement agencies and departments are trained and highly specialized to enable them to face various problems and situations. The evolution of policing has seen the interaction between the community and the police and law enforcement agencies undergo major transformations (Palmiotto, 2011). Traditionally, the law enforcement and policing was modeled on the England system of policing. The law enforcement agencies had the mission of controlling and preventing crime and adopted a strategy that allowed preventive patrol. In the policing process, there was an emphasis on the protection of the individual’s liberty, which could effectively limit police authority. The policing process has however undergone some major changes in the process to evolve to meet the needs of the community (Skogan & Kathleen, 1997). The evolution of policing beyond the boundaries of the country has also been taking place at a rapid pace. There have been rapid expansions in the process of international policing as the world continues to open its borders and threats of terrorism continue to affect more countries. In the 20th century, there has been the advancement of international institutions that deal with the deployment d international forces (Skogan & Kathleen 1997). Such international agencies include NATO and the United Nations. The police forces in different countries have evolved to the point where they have structures in place to enable exchange of information for

Monday, February 3, 2020

Critical Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical Review - Essay Example One of the main arguments of the author is that immigrants are taking jobs away from the British people. The article showed a lot of statistics and numbers to justify the position of the author. Overall the article was well written and it demonstrated a lot of evidence that might suggest that the author’s claim is correct. For instance he stated that since 2004 over 600,000 immigrants have entered the job market and during that time 450,000 young workers became unemployed. He also stated the logical argument that a higher number of people in the country meant that the government had to spend more money on costs of new homes, education, social care, and infrastructure. He also stated another fact that the bigger the population the more congested the city becomes which is an absolute truth. Another interest argument made by the author was that the immigrants are not contributing sufficiently to the overall economy based on how many resources they were depleting. The influx of im migrants is adding 1% to the population, but is only contributing 0.33% to the overall production. Despite the arguments that were made in this article my opinion is that the author did a poor job of proving the correlation between immigration and employment. His argument were biased and to certain extent racist because he made it seem as if the people that were entering the United Kingdom in search for a better life were a type of plague to the society when in reality they are enriching the culture of the country and providing much need labor. These poor immigrants are accepting low paying jobs that the majority of British people are not willing to take. When the author stated that the population growth associated with immigrants was not equal to the production they were creating his statistical approach was flawed because the reason that these workers were not adding more to economic production is because these humans were sacrificing themselves in very low paying jobs. Another ma jor flaw in the article was that the author failed to provide solutions on what the government should do to fix the problem. Since the author thinks that immigration is a problem he should have provided alternative solutions based on empirical data such as proposing that the U.K. imposed an immigration quota to limit the amount of people that can enter the country. This is just a theoretical example of something that could be done. A better way to deal with the problem is by the government of the United Kingdom taking measures to improve the state of the economy to increase the amount of jobs available for British nationals and people immigrating into the U.K. A second way that the government can improve the economy is by forming alliances with the private industry to spur job creation by offering better economic incentives that will attract foreign investors. The article stated that according to the Office of National Statistics Eastern Europeans are willing to do the dirty, diffic ult, and dangerous jobs for lower wages. Since this group of people is willing to sacrifice themselves more than British nationals it is estimated that 95% of males and 80% of female immigrants have been able to find jobs despite the weak economy. It is important to analyze the effect that this labor force has on the corporate world. From an economic and business standpoint corporations and businesses are greatly benefiting from the influx of immigrant workers because these companies are now able to fill vacant job positions they were having